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Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find answers to some of the most common questions and issues. Please click on the questions below to see the answer.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch through our contact page.
What is Osmosis?
“Osmotic Blistering” .The term osmosis is used to describe the biological process where by a liquid (usually water) will pass through a semi permeable membrane. The membrane is permeable to the water molecules but not the various compounds dissolved within the water. The overall flow of the water molecules will be from the solution of lowest concentration towards the solution of higher concentration.
For much more in depth information, please refer to our article on Osmosis.
How do I register my vessel?
For further information on registering your vessel, please refer to our article, Part 1 Tonnage Measurement & Registration of Pleasure Craft and Commercial Vessels 24m Load Line Length or Under.
Do I need to code my vessel?
All UK vessels in commercial use, up to 24 metres load line length (LLL), which go to sea and carry no more than 12 passengers and/or cargo, are required by law to comply with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Small Commercial Vessel and Pilot Boat Code of Practice and be issued with Certificates by an Authorised Certifying Authority. The number of persons that the vessel carries can be greater than 12, for example 10 crew and 12 passengers.
For additional information concerning this question, please refer to our coding article.